Finally Finding My Photographic Niche

No one needs to be a hobbyist or professional photographer to love photography. Freezing time. Documenting moments. Taking photos of family, friends, and places. Capturing a horrible moment that may help to catch the person who committed the crime. Whatever the reason or motivation, if you can press a shutter button, that’s all that matters.

When we develop a passion for photography, learning is the fun part. Understanding how a camera functions. Discovering new photography techniques and playing around with them. Watching documentary after documentary of master photographers, as well as contemporary photographers. Finding inspiration.

Now the difficult part. You’ve learned your camera. You’ve bought an amazing camera and lenses. Your editing techniques have improved significantly and you’re producing beautiful images. You now have a wide variety of photos that you’re proud of, but you’re beginning to realize something. You haven’t settled on a specific, recognizable body of work. Street photography. Portrait photography. Landscape photography. Abstract photography. You love it all, and have photographed it all. But you realize, if you had a portfolio review with all of those genres represented in a single portfolio, the collective response would likely be, “Find your niche. Your portfolio is too busy. ‘Jack of all trades. Master of none.’”

I have had some absolutely amazing photographic opportunities lately. In 3 days I filled 2 13x19 portfolios with photos. One portfolio is of portrait photography, the other is of street photography in Manhattan. I planned a 3rd portfolio of dance photography, and I have more portfolio ideas based on dance alone! As exciting as all of it is, I have longed for a solid year now, to figure out what my niche is. Honestly until a few days ago, I still had no idea. I do now. I finally know.

Two things struck me most about my portrait photography. The candid nature, and the theatricality. Even though the photos were taken during scheduled photoshoots, I loved photographing the models in between shooting; being casual, talking to the photographer, chatting with each other. And when I say photoshoot and models, I’m talking about an amazing photographer who is my friend and makes the most incredible images in limited spaces. The models are friends and acquaintances who volunteered their time to be photographed, not professional models. This gave me a comfort and freedom to shoot them as I wanted. Being invited to shoot ballet dancers in a practice setting, as well as rehearsal and dress rehearsal, further inspired my love of candidly photographing, but in a theatrical setting.

After printing photos for the 2 portfolio books, and then having an opportunity to photograph the Syracuse Community Folk Art Center students in the final 2024 event for Black History month, while editing the photos from CFAC, I had my lightbulb moment. FINALLY! I want to photograph local artists, candidly, and have those photographs displayed locally in establishments in Syracuse. I was getting discouraged that I would never have my “Aha!” moment. It hit like a lightning bolt! Now that I have a clear sense of direction, I can begin to move towards it.


2024. My Year Of Discomfort. Hopefully.

Again, another year has come and gone. I have to say, 2023 was a wonderful year of photography for me. I had an opportunity to photograph the rehearsal and dress rehearsal of the Syracuse City Ballet dancers for The Nutcracker production. I photographed an amazing burlesque show; something I’d never done before, and something that unlocked another creative side of me. I was able to check off a bucket list item in December, photographing at the Neon Boneyard in Las Vegas. Those vintage signs, ugh!!! Loved it! 2023 was in many ways, a first of photographic experiences.

I also made a decision in 2023 that, not only was it NOT uncomfortable, I didn’t realize how needed it was. I walked away from a job that I actually really liked, but came with a supervisor who served condescension and microaggressions with a smile. I was fortunate in 2 significant ways. First. I retired from a 35-year career and have a pension coming in. While I really enjoyed the pure financial freedom I had with the extra income, my bills were still paid without it. Second. I know my worth, value, and strength. And because of that, I don’t need to suffer fools for any length of time. So, a little over a week prior to 2024 arriving, after settling on the indisputable fact that it was now time to leave, my parting words on the subject to my supervisor were, “I will NOT take this into 2024. Friday, December 29th will be my last day with Loretto.” And gleefully it was!

Why am I hoping for a year of discomfort you may wonder? For this reason. Being in discomfort, if we take the challenge, can and will push us through it and into places and situations that help us to grow. Sometimes forces us to grow. There are a number of areas in my life that I have become too comfortable with, and that comfort is not serving me. In some cases, it is doing harm. The things I need to do to change this are not hard, but they are uncomfortable. What I have to remember is, the changes are also very necessary.

I have strength, fortitude, and all of the necessary tools to be assertive when someone else challenges me in intentionally unconstructive ways. I don’t have an issue pushing back and saying, “No, no. What you’re trying to do? Not happening. Today or ever.” But there is one person I have not been able to be that firm with. That I back down to. That I let win in moments when I shouldn’t let them win. Who is that person? ME! I can talk myself out of doing the right thing faster than anyone else. Just a single thought. “Meh, start tomorrow.” “Do it later; sit and chill for a looooong while.” “Don’t rush, you’ve got time.” Really? Do I? Do any of us? My year of discomfort is to challenge myself. To be louder than my soothing voice of procrastination and vice. I’ll win some, and I’ll lose some. But I’m getting in the game.


2023 And Me

Whoo! Time flies! As you can see, I haven’t posted since June of last year. I wish I had because I’ve had post-worthy moments. I won 3rd place and an Honorable Mention in the photo contest last August. Once again, I got to see my photos displayed on the side of the Everson Museum. My friend and muse shared his space with me during his photo shoots, and I’ve taken photos that I never could’ve imagined. Other poignant moments, now forgotten. I’ll try to do better this year.

I began January 1, 2023 in a great place. My apartment was immaculate and if you’d seen it prior, for endless days, you would understand what a ginormous deal THAT was! LOL I surpassed my end-of-year savings goal by a full third. The switch flipped, and the focus on my physical health and well-being is now in motion. And most importantly, my family and friends are still here with me.

I made a promise that on the first day of the New Year, I would be creative. While my original plan didn’t work out, it ended up working out perfectly and I was able to get some shots of vintage trains that are spectacular! I’m also grateful to whoever the person is that hung the vintage Addis Co. sign. Not only did it take me back to my childhood, I have one of my favorite photographs ever.

I won’t promise to blog on the regular. But my hope is to have such wonderful moments in 2023 that not blogging about them won’t be an option.


My Friend. And Muse.

March 9th, 2022. Approximately 7:30ish PM. That was the first evening I crossed the threshold into the home of this guy I knew absolutely nothing about except two things: 1. He was an amazing photographer. 2. He thought I was too. If you ask him how we met, his response would be, “I basically stalked her on Instagram.” That’s true. And I’m really glad he did.

Now I ain’t, and I mean AIN’T generally inclined to accept an invitation to go to the home of a strange man I know nothing about except what I see on his Instagram feed. For whatever reason I was intrigued. And so I went. Three months and six days later, neither of us could fathom not being in each other’s lives.

Mike Sweetman. “Sweet Pea” as I very affectionately call him. He is now one of my dearest friends, and also a creative inspiration. I could sit here for hours detailing our almost weekly visits, and the wonderful, poignant, heart-warming, emotionally painful moments we’ve shared. I have never met anyone so willing to be so honest and vulnerable with me in such a short period of time. Unafraid to bare their soul. To let tears fall. To trust me with life secrets that I will never tell anyone. Not only is it not my story to tell, he has bestowed a trust in me that I would never dream of betraying. We are Fight Club. Omerta. He is my motherfucker who got next!

I switch out the photograph on my homepage every few months. As many photographs that have been displayed there, I have only featured one person. My mom. No other person has ever graced my homepage. Until now.

On Monday, June 13th, during another wonderful evening of Chats With Mike Sweetman, something magical happened. The Photog Gods showed up, and afterward, when I looked at my camera display and saw what I’d captured… No words. NONE. Zilch.

Mike Sweetman began as my friend. He remains my friend. Somewhere during the course of our still new friendship, he has become my muse. I’m still learning and growing in my photography. But that night, the images of him I captured pushed me to a whole ‘nother level. I eagerly await discovering just how many more levels we get to. One thing I do know… It will be TOTAL FUCKERY!


Happy New Year (Please And Thank You)!!!!

Today is Saturday, January 1st 2022. New Year’s Day. Excitement is subdued for many of us. The past couple of years have rolled into each other in one big blob of chaos. 2022 is set to be on the same track, and potentially even worse. Our country is on the precipice. I was going to detail why, but it would take from the positivity that I’m determined this blog post to be.

For me personally, 2022 is also beginning in a place that I haven’t been before. It is a place of becoming debt free for the first time in my adult life. It is a place of being able to decide if I want to become a home owner, or live in a great downtown loft. It is a place of helping my mom be more financially sound. It is a place of having the means to travel when and where I want. It is the beginning of a year of immediate possibilities instead of future plans and hopes.

I cannot believe that I have been officially retired for over a year. I can’t believe I went back to work on December 6, 2021! I am blessed to have found a job with great pay, and people I enjoy working with. I am blessed to have a pension. I am blessed for the changes this will bring to my life. To my mom’s life.

Time isn’t standing still. Problems can’t be left behind in one year and not carry into the next year, as much as we wish we could leave them behind. But I can choose what I focus on. I can stay informed without getting consumed. I can clear my mind, with my camera in hand. I can reach goals that I’ve set. That’s my plan and I’m sticking to it. So for today, regardless of what will come tomorrow, today is just… Happy New Year, 2022! Let’s DO THE DAMN THANG!!


Creativity Is An Active Exercise

All photographers, all creatives in general, are familiar with “the slump.” That time period when you just don’t feel it. The thought of picking up the camera and going out feels daunting. When you look at work you once loved and now it’s “Ugh! This is SO boring! What was I thinking??” Days, weeks, months go by and you just can’t seem to shake it. Then you begin to worry. “Am I still an artist? Will I ever create work that I love again? Am I the only one feeling this way??” The answers are yes, yes, and no. BUT… That BUT is a big deal. It’s a big deal because what we do in between may make the difference in the answers to those questions. And I recently discovered this. Like, yesterday discovered it.

I haven’t felt it recently. I went from taking photographs to taking pictures. What’s the diff, you ask? Photographs, to me, are art. Taking pictures can be something you do when you’re bored or in a slump and feel like you just have to press the shutter so you can still feel legit. A lot of professional photographers refer to photography as making pictures. And I agree. The manner in which they use that phrase means creativity; photographs. The word MAKING is the difference. “Making pictures.” For me, MAKING pictures is different than TAKING pictures.

I previously had two Twitter accounts. One was specifically to engage politically. To sound off on what I find to be crazy, bigoted trash talk. I also love interacting with some really great folks that I have common ideas with on that platform. My other account was specifically for my photography. I only posted photographs. I would like other tweets, but would not retweet them on this account because I only wanted my photographs displayed on my Twitter feed. My Twitter photography account was linked to my SYR ART webpage. WELL, after battling with some Twitter trolls, my “fun” Twitter account got suspended. Slowly but surely my photography-only Twitter account began to morph into my general account, which is exactly what I did NOT want. Then I became concerned. While I have no problems at ALL speaking my mind on Twitter, I didn’t want someone interested in my photography seen on my webpage, to click the Twitter link and have it lead them to what was formerly my photography account and now no longer was. I also continued to post on Instagram, but it began to feel like my IG account was now being filled with pictures, not photographs. All of this was adding to my creative stifle.

I decided I needed to create a new Twitter account specifically for my photography. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to because Twitter had a policy that if an account was suspended, no new accounts could be created. I’m guessing because I have a currently active account, it wasn’t a problem. I now have a new account dedicated to my photography. I felt inspired again. I made sure to update my webpage Twitter link so that it now connects to my new photography page. Now, a new photography account needs what? New photographs. I grabbed my camera, went downtown, and took photographs. After I came back home and edited the photos, I uploaded them to my new Twitter page. This morning I grabbed my phone and cleaned up my Instagram page as well. I got rid of the pictures and made room for photographs.

After creating the new Twitter photography account, I had an epiphany. I realized that it may not be jumping back into whatever our art is that will snap us out of a creativity slump. Meaning, I don’t think just picking up the camera and going out to shoot would have ended my slump. It was creating a new space to showcase future photographs that helped end it. I didn’t want to take new photographs and put them on my “no longer photography only” Twitter photography page. I didn’t want to add new photographs to my Instagram page that had not been seriously curated in months, and honestly, no longer felt like the photography showcase that it once did. However, after overhauling my creative spaces, it felt like a clean slate. The wheels began to turn again. And this time, when I went out with my camera, I came home with photographs.


I'm Getting A Major Case of GAS!!!

I admit it! I’m getting GAS in the worst way!! No, not the “pull my finger” gas. Not the gas of lovers when one lets it rip in bed and then pulls the sheet over their partner’s head. No, not the gas that really great spicy food can give you and make you say out loud, “THAT’S why I’m single!!” But rest assured, I’ve got a bad case of GAS. The type of GAS that every photographer understands what type of GAS I have. Gear. Acquisition. Syndrome!

In earlier blog posts I talked about giving myself a great retirement gift by purchasing the camera and dream lenses that I wanted. A few months later I bought more prime lenses that were a better focal length for my street photography. I LOVE, well, I love ALL of my lenses. BUT, I did not expect to fall so hard for my 16mm f/1.4. That lens in low light and for night photography is just a dream. It’s the only Fuji lens of all the Fuji lenses I have that has an aperture of f/1.4 (I do have vintage Takumar lenses with f/1.4 apertures).

Here’s my current Fuji line up: Fujifilm X-T4. 50-140 X series. 16-55 X series. 10-24 with WR. 16mm. 35mm. 50mm. 90mm. For my needs as a hobbyist photographer, this is MORE than enough. This is a pro set up! So WHY is my abdomen of photography bubbling and roiling with GAS? Because Fujifilm is now releasing a 23mm (35mm crop sensor equivalent) AND 33mm (50mm crop sensor equivalent), BOTH IN F/1.4!!!! I’ve got GAS!! I NEED to own those lenses!! Need in the way I really want them but damn sure don’t need them. But! To have the perfect street photography focal length lenses with capabilities to really capture scenes in low light and at night, yeah, I could absolutely justify myself purchasing these lenses.

So, the deal is, I KNOW at some point I will own both of those lenses. I just will. But I don’t need them right now. I’m still on the high of my first photo contest win, and those lenses hadn’t even been announced yet. Fiscal responsibility is always prudent, which is why I can wait for a while before buying those 2 lenses. But on the flip, our country is losing its shit. The world is losing its shit. Climate change stopped warning us and has made it here. People are catching pure hell and going through it. My friends are going through it. My mom is going through it. I’m going through it. I have no problem AT ALL investing in my creativity. Investing in a hobby and passion that allows me to shape pieces of the world the way I want to see it. The way I want it to be seen.


Fourth. Second. First. August 22, 2021

When my name was called for the Fourth Place win for the photo walk contest, I was happy. When my name was called for the Second Place winner for the photo contest in the Street Life category, I was beaming. When my name was called for FIRST PLACE WINNER of the Architecture category, I teared up. And later, when I saw my photographs, that I took, using my camera and my eyes, displayed on the North side of the Everson Museum wall, outside at dusk, with beautiful billowy storm clouds above, I just took it all in. And of course, I photographed photos of my photographs!

I’m really glad I was able to share the evening with my mom. She’s still a force, and independent. But also tiny and frail. Her steps are slower in unfamiliar surroundings. It’s difficult for her to walk for too long of a distance. But she was there for her kid! Also, a huge thanks to my friend Jeff Sutch who really helped take care of mom at the event locations.

The Southside Stand Newspaper. Wildflowers. The Urban Video Project. The Everson Museum. The photo judges. Ashley Kang. Mike Heagerty. The Unity Band. The other photo contest winners. The weather gods that held back the rain. I thank all of them for a memorable night!


Unexpected Honor

I’d been on Instagram earlier in the day but hadn’t checked my IG page since early afternoon. Which is why I had no idea the news my friend Jeff was about to break when he called. He called to tell me that the flier for the photo event at Wildflowers was posted on Facebook. I said, “Oh! Ashley did say that a flier to the public will be coming out soon.” Jeff said, “Wait! There’s more! They used YOUR photo for the flier!” I couldn’t BELIEVE IT!!! I asked Jeff to take a picture of the flier on his phone and text it to me because I’m not on Facebook. He took the pic and as I was walking over to my phone that was charging on my desk, I heard the ping of the text coming in. As I sat down I told Jeff to hold on; I was going to check my Instagram page. As soon as it opened I saw that I’d been tagged by The Stand. I clicked on the icon. It took me to The Stand’s IG page. And there it was. In bold color. One of the photos I submitted for the Street Life category of the photo contest. I am just… Over the MOON.


"I'd Like To Thank The Academy..."

My thanking the Academy headline will be as close as I’ll ever come to saying those words for real! LOL No, I did not win an Academy Award. But I have won something that fills me with joy. My first photo contest!!

Back in June my friend Patti messaged me on IG with an attachment of an upcoming photo walk/photo contest. She said, “You HAVE to do this!” When I read the flyer, I knew immediately that she was right. I had to do it. So, I sat myself down at my computer, pulled up the website, and immediately signed up for the South Side photo walk in July. I then read the rules of the photo contest submission, and promptly uploaded a total of 4 photographs. Two in the Architecture category, and two in the Street Life category.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend the South Side photo walk I signed up for. Fortunately for me I was able to go on the photo walk at the end of July in the Sedgwick Farms area. It was a perfect morning! 75 degrees, blue skies, a wonderful host with a beautiful home, and really nice people to explore the neighborhood and shoot what struck us. I still love the fact that everyday ordinary things take on a whole new meaning when you have a camera in hand. Something that you’d walk past without a second glance suddenly becomes THE thing that has to fill your camera frame.

When I was back home after the photo walk I submitted 4 additional photos for the contest that I’d just taken on the walk. I also submitted a ton to be shared on The Stand’s webpage.

The week prior, the photo walk/contest participants were notified that the contest photos would be judged early the next week, and that the winners would be notified but would not know which of their photos had been the winning photo until an event at a later date.

On Tuesday, August 10th, 2021 at 12:37pm I received the following e-mail:  

“Hi all. We had a nearly three-hour photo judging session last night. Judges -- Ruthnie Angrand, Terry Baker, Marilu Lopez Fretts & Zau Nhkum -- identified so many great images and had a tough time deciding on the top picks. They were so impressed with all of your talents! 

One -- or more -- of your images were selected as a top pick. Winners and honorable mentions are listed below -- but in no particular order. We hope to see you Sunday, Aug. 22, when we reveal which place you took and hand out your prizes. 

Honorable Mentions:

Diana Green, J.B. McCampbell, Diane Lansing, Bob Schulz & Sadie Mahan 

Top Winners:

Kristina Russo, J.B. McCampbell, Bobbi Griffith, Michaela Thorley, Michael Brown, Rosalie Spitzer, Lisa Kane, Sheavon Marshall, Catherine Klapheke, Deborah Putman, LaTrenda Carswell and Keith Waldron”

I saw my name and let out the loudest happy squeal!!! My very first photo contest win!! There are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th prize winners. I honestly don’t care which one of those I will be awarded. The fact that professional photographers looked through who knows how many photographs and saw something in mine that put me in their “Top Winner” category… Yeah. It’s an honor just to be nominated!

I’m looking forward to finding out which one of my photographs won the contest for me. And I am REALLY looking forward to seeing my photograph, along with the other winners, posted big and bold on the side of the Everson Museum from 8/22/21-8/25/21. That is going to be a SURREAL moment.


Newest Fujifilm Babies

I recently added 2 new babies to my Fujifilm lens bundles of joy. The Fujifilm 50mm F/2 R WR, and Fujifilm 35mm F/2 R WR. I love my other Fuji lenses and have used them, but I primarily use my X-series 16-55 lens because it worked best for my street style shooting. I do love landscape photography in the fall and winter months; the other lenses will work beautifully for those ventures. But I needed something with a focal length more suited to street photography. So yeah. Photography slump needs to go bye-bye. I’ve got lenses and cameras I need to get using!!


Winter's Night And X-T4

When I decided to start ordering my retirement wish list camera and lenses, I went back and forth between the Fuji X-T3 and X-T4. I did my homework and watched tons of YouTube reviews on both cameras. I decided to go with the X-T3. I’m not a vlogger, and while shooting video is something that interests me very much, for my needs right now, the X-T3 was a great fit. And even better, the camera was on sale for $500 less than the original price.

When I began placing my orders, the X-T3 was on back order. This actually worked out well. I went from an original black body style, then canceled to the silver, and then canceled again back to black. But as the days and weeks passed, the camera was still on back order. I called B&H Photo and asked if they had an estimated ship date. I was first told they did not, and then information came in that the X-T3 would be available in April. APRIL!! I have 4 brand new lenses and one on the way! I can’t wait until APRIL!! So, I went with the X-T4. Expecting it to arrive this upcoming weekend, it arrived the next day, 12/16! And wouldn’t you know, a hellacious winter snow storm was forecast for that evening. Fortunately where I am, we were in the outer bands of the storm. So while it snowed consistently, it was a normal snow fall for us. And so…

After playing with the camera for a bit, getting used to its settings, I took my new X-T4, 90mm and 16mm prime lenses, jumped in my car, and hit down town. I’m in love. IN LOVE I SAY!! It was the first time I’ve been inspired to take photos in months, and inspired I was.

Now, with a new camera, 4 new lenses, and one more to come, I BETTER do something with this photography thing!!


I'm A Fujifilm Girl Now!!!

Back to photography!!! A year ago, when I knew I would be retiring, one of the first things I did was think of all of the dream camera equipment I would want as a present for myself after wrapping up a 35 year career. Well, that dream camera equipment has gone from wish list to ordered! My dream kit consists of: Fujifilm X-T3, 16-55 f/2.8, 50-140 f/2.8, 10-24mm f/4, 90mm f/2, and 16mm f/1.4. The X-T3 remains on back order. The 10-24 is on backorder as well, but should ship this week. I’ve received the 16-55mm, 90mm, and 16mm lenses. I had a COMPLETE FREAKOUT over the weekend when Fed Ex said the package with my 16mm and 90mm lenses had been SIGNED FOR AND DELIVERED, and I had not received it! Drama ensued for sure! To not re-live that drama I will say, the box was delivered to the wrong apartment, and I was contacted and retrieved the item. Now if the dang camera would finally get restocked and shipped, I’ll be a happy girl!!


New York State Is Closed For Business

Yesterday, March 20, 2020, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that now 100% of non-essential employees across the state are to remain home. Corona-virus/COVID-19 is wreaking havoc. New York City has been hit hardest, here in the United States. Onondaga county is also seeing it’s first cases of infection as well. People are being asked to stay inside; only leave home for necessities: food, medicine, medical care, etc. Reports continue to lament people who are just disregarding this protocol. They are going along as usual, putting themselves and others around them in harm’s way.

I have been home from work since Tuesday, a mandate by the governor. I’m super grateful that I am one of the few lucky ones who is currently on paid leave without having to use any of the time I currently have accumulated (personal, sick, vacation leave…). This tragedy has reinforced how truly fortunate I am.

Aside from taking mom to her MD appointment Wednesday, and a run to 2 pharmacies, and a stop by the grocery store with her, I’ve been home respecting what we as citizens have been asked to do.

Friday night I did feel the need to get out for a bit and still remain safe. So with camera in hand, I drove to downtown Syracuse and took a series of photos of empty streets. To be in Armory Square on a Friday evening and see minimal to no traffic on the roads, businesses shuttered, many which may be for good, it was eerie. While I was out, an ambulance whizzed by me down a dark, empty street. Its flashing lights disappearing into the void. I wondered where it was headed. If the emergency was related to COVID 19.

I did enjoy the fresh air and photographing quiet streets while listening to amazing music. I think this is a safe hobby that will allow me to get out briefly, stay safe, and as important, stay CREATIVE.



Today is Tuesday, March 17th 2020. Happy St. Patty’s Day!! It is 3:01 pm and I’m home sitting at my desktop computer. Why? Because at this time in history the entire world is experiencing a pandemic. Corona virus, now known as Covid-19. Everyone is being told to self-isolate; stay home as much as possible. We have our first case of confirmed infection in Onondaga county. So yeah, that’s happening.

While I’m being prudent, taking all protections, and doing some work from home, this has also given me an opportunity to submit photographs for the Light Work Grant competition for 2020!

Even though this winter has been fairly mild compared to recent years, the cold and gray has admittedly sapped some photography energy out of me; I haven’t taken my camera out nearly enough. BUT, I am proud of the photographs I have taken. With spring officially rolling in in 2 days, I’m looking forward to getting back in the swing.

As I said last year as well, I have no unrealistic expectation of being one of the grant winners. There are some amazing fine art photographers, pros, entering into the competition. The winners are well deserved I assure you. My feeling confident enough to submit my photographs is a personal validation. I will say, if the Photog gods smile down on me and I happened to win one of the grants, I would photograph my 54 year old self doing cartwheels around the city!!


2020 Is Looking Just Fine!!

I’ve never had a year that ended in such unexpected ways. For the better I may add. Now, what I’m about to say will not reveal some earth-shattering changes, they’re all normal in the grand scheme of things. But, the way it could have ended in comparison to the way it IS ending, I’m grateful for the divine intercession that undoubtedly played a big role.

Let’s start with the small, not so divine stuff. As we all do sometimes, we want something bigger and better than we currently have. Mine were my 2 TVs. The living room TV was perfect actually. 48” that gave me a great feel of watching a theater movie. My bedroom TV was a smaller 37” that I’d had for years and still worked great. But, the plastic framing began to pull away from the TV. So, I used gorilla tape to inconspicuously hold it on, packed it up, and took it to Goodwill with some other items. And promptly bought myself a nice 43” smart TV to replace it. Two weeks later I come home from work and my 48” has lovely audio but no picture! After days of frustration and YouTube videos later, I realized that an internal board was fried. Yep. Needed a new one. After a comedy of errors, my new 49” smart TV is proudly hanging back on the living room wall, reinstalled by yours truly. Two new TVs… CHECK.

Over the last 2 years, my faithful 2008 Saturn Vue was no longer being faithful. New battery. New alternator. Back brakes. New tires. And a host of other repairs with giant repair bills. It was now time to determine if it was worth it to keep putting money into this vehicle. Over the summer, I began hearing a familiar “whizzzzzzzz.” This was the sound made when my power steering fluid needed to be filled. So I had it refilled. I left the mechanic and, “whizzzzzzzz.” Oh CRAP! It shouldn’t be whizzing for another few years!! Well it whizzed all summer and late into the fall because, I just didn’t want to know. I finally bit the bullet and took it in. After having it on the rack for 2 hours, my mechanic didn’t charge me anything. What he did give me, was a list of everything it needed. To the tune of $3500! AND it was work that couldn’t be done there which meant a dealership repair! It was official, I needed a new car. I haven’t had a car payment in 5 years, and my last 3 vehicles all had payments over $400.00 which was NOT in my current plans to start again. I did my homework, checked Car Gurus, and found a PRISTINE 2016 Kia Sorento with sunroof, and lots of fun after-market goodies. With no fundage down and a payment under $300 WITH the primo extended warranty, I’m STILL doing the happy dance!

The piece de resistance (said in my best French accent…) did come in a moment of divinity. My job. For 4 and a half years I gave my all in a department that never wanted me there, and tried it’s damndest to make sure every day I spent there would be spent “rue-ing” the day I stepped foot in it. Fortunately, I am Stella’s daughter so when the times came (plural) that I had to let people know who I was and what I would not tolerate, I had no issue doing so. Even so, I became increasingly annoyed that the tests and challenges continued to come. With each promotional interview, and each call to say I had not been selected, there was disappointment on my end, along with smug satisfaction on the ends of others in that department. One day, after a hellacious few weeks, I had a moment where I just said out loud, “I CANNOT DO THIS ANYMORE! I DON’T WANT TO KEEP WORKING THIS HARD!!!” I was overwhelmed. 20 minutes later I got the call. “I’m calling to offer you the…” I got it. I. GOT. IT!! That call came in at the EXACT moment I needed it to. I don’t think it was meant to come sooner. If it had, there are people that I would not have been in HR to help when they needed me the most. For that I am grateful. But I’m most grateful to those in the heavens that said, “You’ve done good work. It’s YOUR time now.”

So, 2 new TVs, the most beautiful vehicle I’ve owned to date with the cheapest payment, and starting a new year fresh, learning a new job, and walking away from an old one with the same dignity and work ethic that I walked into it with, in 2020 I’m gon’ party like it’s 1999!!!! And if I’m REALLY lucky, 2020 will end with a new president on the horizon!! AND I RETIRE!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!


The Results Are In...

I finally received notification from Light Work regarding the grant competition. As I knew, I was not one of the selected candidates. I’m not disappointed, not at all. This year’s winners have extremely impressive resumes and portfolios. Well done to each winner! The main point for me was being at a place where I felt my photographs were good enough to enter into a competition at that level. The only disappointment for me is taking a series of photographs AFTER my Light Work submission that are some of my best photographs to date! I would have loved entering those photographs into the competition. Oh well, there’s always next year. I’ll keep photographing and improving on my images. Who knows, there may be a grant in my future…



I recently discovered the in-camera double-exposure feature in my Fuji X100F. I have thoroughly enjoyed using this setting, and the double-exposure photographs of downtown Syracuse have made the city almost unrecognizable.

I’ve been hearing about and watching tutorials that feature “zines.” Zines are creative, oftentimes hand-crafted magazines of artists’ personal work. I’ve been wanting to make a zine for months now. Today, I did!!

XX POSURE Zine: Volume 1, Issue 1 is out for print. While I’m not quite skilled enough yet (or maybe I am and just not motivated enough yet) to make a zine completely from scratch start to finish, I do have a great template that helped me make a beautiful zine in about an hour. I am very proud. This is something I can see as an ongoing project, especially after retirement. Which apparently I’m thinking quite a lot about as well, and wishing that day would get here sooner rather than later.


Let's See What Happens!

Okay, I do procrastinate when I shouldn’t. Like today. Today is the deadline for the Light Work Grant In Photography submission. And of course, as is always true, Murphy’s Law kicked in! BUT, I won! I completed the application, submitted 20 of my favorite photographs, paid the small entry fee, and I have just entered into my very first real photography competition! Again, I’m not expecting to win the grant, but feedback would be wonderful. It’s hard to judge our own work. We need feedback, constructive criticism from those who are where we hope to be. I’m pretty proud right now.


My First Photo Competition!

I’ve been thinking about my future quite a bit lately. If I’m fortunate to still be here in December 2020, my 35 year career will come to an end. Retirement will begin. And truly, that day cannot come fast enough for me. It will be bittersweet, but I eagerly anticipate my next adventures with my camera firmly in hand.

Apparently the God of Photogs has been listening in on my creative thoughts and desires. As I’ve said right here on my SYR ART PHOTOGRAPHY web page, I have really enjoyed photographing Syracuse and seeing wonder in the ordinary. A couple of nights ago I was literally thinking how wonderful it would be to have local Syracuse area photographers, amateurs as well as professionals, have their photographs of Syracuse life displayed in a gallery setting. That is an exhibit I would go to see, and would love to participate in. That idea was soon replaced at the disappointing thought that Syracuse would likely never have something that cool.

I come home from work yesterday. At some point I sit down at my 27” desktop. The first thing I do is pull up the template of my Blurb book “BARE.” BARE, when printed, will be a coffee table-sized book of photographic captures of bare trees arranged as mirror images. The book is 436 pages, and will be my 18th or 19th book I will have published through Blurb (all just for me, I’m not a famous published author). After that, I scroll through my email. “Last reminder, your inspection is due.” “Your Amazon order has shipped.” “You have a new log in from an unrecognized browser, just making sure it’s you.” You know, the mundane email that clogs our inbox. And then!! “Light Work is pleased to announce the 2019 Light Work Grants in Photography competition. Light Work began offering grants to CNY artists in 1975 to encourage the production of new photographic work in the region…“ I ‘bout fell out of my chair! CNY artists! Central New York! SYRACUSE!!! It’s not quite a gallery showing for the SYR photog masses, but the selected few will have their work displayed which is awesome!

Okay. No, this is not me giving up before I start. I love how far I’ve come in my own photography journey. Everything I’ve learned, everything I’m continuing to learn; I’m still growing. I have NO expectation that I will be one of the Light Work grant winners, but man oh MAN am I excited to toss my hat in the ring for the first time in a photography competition since my photo journey began. I have an eye. For a long time I would giggle like a school girl and not feel worthy when someone really liked one of my images. When my friends and family would tell me they loved an image, of course I thought they were just being kind. I don’t remember the day, moment, or photograph where I finally realized I had something, but it did happen. I do have to begin taking formal classes in order to strengthen my understanding of the technical aspects of photography (come on retirement!!). And I really want to get into a darkroom for the first time and develop some film images. I am grateful for digital photography though. Without it, I wouldn’t be a photographer today. I wouldn’t know I had an eye. Being able to capture images, see them immediately, come home and edit them, and watch the amazing unfold; I’m thankful for this medium.

For new photography enthusiasts, there is so much information we have available to us to help us learn everything we want to know. Sitting in the comfort of home on a brutal CNY winter day and being able to watch tutorial after tutorial, and documentary after documentary of photographers is truly invaluable. But it is also easy to get discouraged by some of the contradictory conversations. “Digital photography kills photography!” “Why the camera you’re using is giving you crappy images!” Or, you see images from pro photographers around the world and you think, “Ugh! I give up now! I’m NEVER gonna be that good! EVER!! WAAAHHHHH!!!” My message to all lovers of photography is this. If you are curious, if you see what no one else sees, if you want to freeze time, if you want people to know you were here on this earth, TAKE THE SHOT! Press the shutter button. Love that image that you know if you hadn’t taken it, no one else would have. Remember this. It’s NOT the gear. It’s the IMAGE.
